Learn to recognize your intuition. It is
your personal, intelligent GPS,
guiding you through life.
What separates The Silva Method from the others? Take the first step and see.
Tap the amazing skills of your mind
Master the skill
Other mind development or motivational training is great at telling you the importance of optimism and staying focused and positive. The Silva Method actually gives you a STEP-BY-STEP, proven process for mastering this skill.
Based on more than four decades of brain research, The Silva Method is a reliable way to make more use of the amazing untapped skills of your mind.
Our curriculum, a unique combination of Alpha and Theta level exercises, creative visualizations, habit control, and positive programming methods (Dynamic Meditation), has been endorsed by various thought leaders and scientists.
Thought Leader endorsement
This includes personal growth icons Jack Canfield, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Esther Hicks, T. Harv Ecker, Shakti Gawain, bestselling author Richard Bach, award-winning neuroscientist Mark Robert Waldman, entrepreneur Vishen Lakhian, and oncology research pioneer Dr. O. Carl Simonton.
Discover connections
The simple, yet eloquent, message of Silva’s coursework and books has touched millions of lives in the most intimate, yet profound way imaginable-by giving back the peace that comes from discovering our own connection to life.
If you’ve ever suspected that you’re waiting for just the right time and just the right reason to awaken your own power to transform your life, take charge and control of your life, now is the time and Jose Silva’s coursework with Fred Marshall, as your Instructor, are the reasons. The Silva Method Northwest offers classes and seminars in Washington and Oregon.